事實上,二戰后美國創建和領導的國際體系以及美國在亞太安全中的角色,為經濟全球化和亞太穩定提供了重要支撐。雖然中國政府對其中的一些規則可能并不滿意,也想在制定和修訂規則的過程中享有更大的話語權,但中國還是從中獲益匪淺。盡管中國對美國在亞洲這塊本國安身之地增強針對自己的軍事和戰略布局感到不安,中國也仍然是過去幾十年中美國軍事存在所塑造的地區穩定的受益者。作為現實主義者,中國領導人最終還是會認清權力對比的現實狀況,那就是中美兩國都不可能獨自成為地區主導力量,權力均衡是維護地區和平與穩定的唯一出路。雖然美國維持其亞太霸權角色變得日益困難,但中國在崛起為一個全球大國的道路上也仍然面臨著來自國內外的各種巨大挑戰,很難在亞洲奉行擴張主義政策。中國最大的挑戰并非來自美國,而是來自本國內部。由于深刻而令人擔憂的內部原因,中國也是一個脆弱的崛起國。為確保未來的崛起,實現中國夢,它必須首先處理好包括腐敗、權力濫用和社會不公等在內的各種國內問題。在中國解決這些國內難題之前,其未來崛起前景仍面臨著不確定性。正是從這個角度出發,中國國家主席習近平才一再強調“太平洋兩岸有足夠空間容納中美兩個大國”。65 正是從自身利益出發,中國努力通過構建“新型大國關系”來穩定同美國的關系,而這也正是美國的利益所在,所以,奧巴馬政府對習近平的努力進行了積極回應。
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7 一項統計表明:“自1500年以來,崛起國與支配國的15次遭遇和競爭中,有11次的結果是戰爭。” Graham T. Allison Jr., "Obama and Xi Must Think Broadly to Avoid a Classic Trap", New York Times, June 6, 2013, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/07/opinion/obama-and-xi-must-think-broadly-to-avoid-a-classic-trap.html?emc=tnt&tntemail0=y&_r=0.
8 Suisheng Zhao, "Shaping the Regional Context of China's Rise: How the Obama Administration brought back Hedge in its Engagement with China", Journal of Contemporary China, 21:75, 2012, p. 386.
9 James B. Steinberg, "China's Arrival: The long March to Global Power", Keynote Speech at Center for New America Security, September 24, 2009, http://www.cnas.org/files/multimedia/documents/Deputy%20Secretary%20James%20Steinberg's%20September%2024,%202009%20Keynote%20Address%20Transcript.pdf.
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11 David M. Lampton, "A New Type of Major-Power Relationship: Seeking a Durable Foundation for U.S.-China Ties", Asia Policy, no.16, July 2013, p. 52.
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14 中國社會科學院中國特色社會主義理論體系研究中心:“構建新型大國關系”, 《人民日報》, 2013年6月4日,第7 版。
15 Yang Jiechi, "Win-Win Cooperation", Washington Post, July 9, 2013, p. 13.
16 Hillary Clinton, "Remarks at the U.S. Institute of Peace China Conference", March 7, 2012, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2012/03/185402.htm.
17 White House News Release, "Remarks By Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor to the President: The United States and the Asia-Pacific in 2013", March 11, 2013, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/03/11/remarks-tom-donilon-national-security-advisory-president-united-states-a.
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20 田曾佩:《改革開放以來的中國外交》,北京:世界知識出版社,1993年,第6~7頁。
21 謝益顯:《當代中國外交史》,北京:中國青年出版社,1996年,第430頁。
22 You Ji, "China and North Korea: A Fragile Relationship of Strategic Convenience", Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 10, no. 28, August 2001, p. 396.
23 Wang Yong, "China, ASEAN Stress Peace: Summit Agrees on Approach", China Daily, December 17, 1997, p.1.
24 Greg Sheridan, "China wins as 'US neglects region'", The Australian, September 3, 2007.
25 Elizabeth Economy, "China's Rise in Southeast Asia: Implications for the United States", Journal of Contemporary China, 14:44, August 2005, p.424.
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28 David F. Gordon, "A trade opportunity Washington shouldn't pass up", Washington Post, November 10, 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-trade-opportunity-washington-shouldnt-pass-up/2011/11/10/gIQA1K3t9M_story.html?sub=AR.
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30 Hillary Clinton, "America's Pacific Century", Foreign Policy, November 2011, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/10/11/americas_pacific_century?page=full%23.TpQwzShztTI.email.
31 Shangri-La Security Dialogue, As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, Saturday, June 02, 2012, http://www.defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1681.
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