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核心提示: 自中華人民共和國成立以來,中日關系從感情和軟硬實力互動出發,可分為三個階段,每個階段體現了不同特點。近年來中日關系的惡化和國民感情的遇冷,根本因素是兩國硬實力在相對短時期內的轉化。而從今后的趨勢看,隨著兩國硬實力差距的進一步擴大,雙方國民感情的低走將呈現長期化的特點。然而,這并不意味著兩國政府可以對此置之不理。恰恰相反,如果中日雙方能夠拿出勇氣和智慧,走出“高層政治”對抗的死胡同,會加快厘清雙方在轉變中的國際關系的新定位。


【1】JoshuaKurlantzick, Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power IsTransforming the World, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.

【2】西方國際關系學界對經典現實主義的討論,數量繁多。新作請見Kenneth Thompson and David Clinton, Politics Among Nations, New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2005. 另見Thomas Schelling, The Strategy aof Conflict, Cambridge,MA: Harvard University Press, 1980; and Kenneth Waltz, Theory ofInternational Relations, Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 2010.  

【3】《以史為鑒 面向未來——新中國對抗日戰爭的認識與中日邦交正常化》,北京師范大學新聞網,http://news.bnu.edu.cn/ztxw/beatjapan2005/24685.htm。



【6】中曽根康弘、伊藤隆三郎:《天地有情:五十年の戦後政治を語る》,東京:文藝春秋, 1996年,第280頁。


【8】George WashingtonUniversity, "Remarks by the Honorable Minoru Kusuda, Former ChiefSecretary to Prime Minister Eisaku Sato" in National Security Archive ,http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/japan/kusuda.htm.

【9】Allen S. Whiting, China Eyes Japan, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,1989.


【11】Ezra Vogel, Japan as No. 1: Lessons for America, Hapercollins College Div.,1985.

【12】《なにがデタントのために必要か》,《読売新聞》, 1983年1月1日。



【18】田中均、田原総一朗:《國家と外交》,講談社, 2005年,第164頁。


【20】具體數據論述,詳見本人書籍 Japan and China as Charm Rivals: SoftPower in Regional Diplomacy, Ann Arbor, MI: University of MichiganPress, 2012, pp. 42-50.

【21】有關課題的近期研究成果,請見Zheng Wang, Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in ChinesePolitics and Foreign Relations, New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.

【22】Jing Sun, Japan and China as Charm Rivals, p. 42.



Keeping Away from Distrust and Hostility

—Viewing Sino-Japanese Relations in terms of National Sentiment and the Soft and Hard Power

Sun Jing

Abstract: Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Sino-Japanese relations can be divided into three stages according to interaction of people's feelings and soft and hard power, with each stage having different characteristics. In recent years, the Sino-Japanese relations have deteriorated and people's feelings in the two countries cooled, the main reason is the switch of their position in terms of hard power in a relatively short time. Looking into the future, with the further widening of the gap between their hard power, the national sentiment in both China and Japan will be low for long. However, this does not mean that the two governments can ignore it. On the contrary, if the two sides can have courage and wisdom, get out of the dead end of "top-level" political hostility, it will help quickly clarify their new position in the changing international relations.

Keywords: national sentiment, soft power, hard power, Sino-Japanese relations, militarism

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標簽: 孫晶   中日關系   國民感情   軟實力   中日對抗