①Marcus Noland, "Korea growth performance: past and future", Asian Economic Policy Review, (2012) 7, p. 24.
⑤⑥⑦Jinsoo Park, "Korea's linkage strategy between FTA hub policy and middle power leadership in regional economic integration", Asia Europe Journal, (2015)13, p. 385.389.390.
⑨廖小健、廖新年:《韓國的FTA戰略》,《外交評論》,2005年第5期,第83頁;王琳:《韓國自貿區制度化建設的經驗與借鑒》,《對外經貿實務》,2015年第5期,第12頁。 The Evolution of South Korea's Foreign Economic Strategies and Its Insights
Liu Hongzhong
Abstract: In the process of the South Korean economic development, the foreign economic strategy has played an important role. In response to changes in the political and economic situations at home and abroad, South Korea mainly adopted the import substitution strategy, the export-oriented strategy and the FTA strategy chronologically. The FTA strategy can be divided into the initial phase, the bilateral FTA "axle" stage and the regional FTA "key role" stage. The smooth implementation of the above strategies would have been impossible without the support of domestic policies. In this strategic evolution process, South Korea completed the shift away from being a poor country toward becoming a moderate power and away from only focusing on its own development toward seeking international political influence. Understanding the evolution of the South Korean foreign economic strategies and its domestic policy support is of great reference importance to China.
Keywords: South Korea, foreign economic strategy, FTA
責 編∕楊昀贇